Add to any event with lots of easy to do magic.

All purchase include a group magic lesson you can add any event. I will teach the children exactly how to do the magic tricks using the magic wand and other items. That way all the children have something to take home after the birthday is over.

Put a smile on every child’s face!

$20 each

Included in:

The kit was specifically designed for kids with Easy to do Magic so they can successfully entertain friends and family!

Kit Includes:

- Vanishing a ball in a vase
- Spike through coin
- Vanishing coin case
- Easy rope cut and restore
- Color vision see through the box
- Ring and spring Trick
- Obedient ball
- Plus 50 easy magic tricks you can do with easy to understand instructions
- Best for children 5 years and up

Magic Fred’s Easy Magic Kit with Hat & Magic Wand