Welcome to the Show.

Here's what to expect.


  • 30 Minute Online Magic Show

  • 10 Minute magic lesson recommended for kids 5 and up

  • Zoom account with a 100 person login limit.

  • We will log into the meeting 5 minutes before the hour to test connection and let guest in.

Here are a couple of things you can do now to ensure your party goes as smooth as possible.

  • Please Share Magic class items listed below.

  • We will send you a Zoom link with a special code and password to help keep everyone safe that you can forward.

  • If you I like to add some personalization to your event please send me a picture and I can make the picture magically appear and disappear live. I can do this with a picture of someone or something special to your group. For example: logo, mascot, building, pet, special quest, birthday child, parent or teacher etc. Lots of fun with the pitcher don’t miss out!

  • There are a few must-include details in your invites, including clear timing for when guests should plan to log on, the meeting ID/link and of course, details on activities you want people to participate in.

  • Be sure to work out all the kinks in advance — technical glitches are always to be expected, but if you test in advance and make sure everyone is clear on how to log in, things will be smooth sailing from there!

I’ll be in touch soon please don’t hesitate to contact me with any further questions or concerns.

Magic Class

Magic Lesson

These are some items Magic Fred will be using during the online magic lesson if you didn’t purchase goody bags.

Look around your house and see what you can find and join him for a fun magic lesson. No worries if you can’t find everything you’ll still learn some fun magic.

  • 2 Smaller coins penny dime or similar size.

  • 1 Bigger coin quarter half dollar or similar size.

  • Pencil

  • Paper clip (please straighten for magic lesson)

  • One Dollar Bill or any note will work. It doesn’t even need to be real money, a piece of paper that is similar in size will work.


Fun Zoom Birthday Party ideas

  • Have candles to blow out?

  • Have Kids drive buy your house and pick up Goody Bags for virtual party and wave to birthday person.

  • Have everyone make a sign and decorate it with markers, stickers, etc. on a regular piece of paper for the special birthday child.

  • Have everyone hold up their sign into the screen when you sing happy birthday and make sure to take a screenshot!

  • After Magic Show set up a new zoom meeting for kids

  • Invite all your friends to eat dessert at the same time and have fun chatting over yummy fun food.

  • Kids enjoy playing freeze dance, stopping the music and having people freeze

  • Another tip is to play music everyone knows and can dance to together.