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Virtual Show Pricing options




I offer a super funny interactive family comedy kid’s magic show that’s geared towards children 10 and under.

The cool thing is it’s for kids, but I’ve received so much positive feedback that all ages have enjoyed the show. 


40 Minute virtual magic Show

  • 30 Minute - Magic Show with non-stop belly laughing.

  • 10 minute - Group magic lesson recommended for kids five +

  • 40 minute - Magic show If you would like to skip the magic lesson.

  • If you’re looking for something different I would be happy to work with you.

magic picture

Magic with a picture

I have special parts of the show ,  kids will love it as they see a picture they recognize magically appear, disappear and much more live on Zoom.

Please send along a picture! I can do all the editing needed for the show.

Magic Class

magic lesson

  • Magic lesson with things kids can find around the house; coins, bill, paper clip, pencil etc.

  • If you order the goody bags we can use included items for a fun magic lesson.

  • Kids can even use play money to replace one dollar bill and coins. 

Note: Magic lesson is recommended for children five years and older.

Birthday on Zoom


I will be using the video platform Zoom with a special code and password for your party to prevent uninvited guests. If you have two computers you can watch the show in gallery view to see all the kids and speaker view on the additional device for a front row seat to the show.After booking we will send you a Zoom Invite

  • Zoom link invite has a 100 person login limit.

  • Just copy the Zoom link and share with your quest.

  • If you have additional activities planned and need more time on Zoom I can join your meeting as a guest appearance.

We look forward to working with you too help make your event special.

About the show:

The interactive Virtual Magic Show includes an amazing set up! Your guests will join the online magic show with a professional backdrop and upbeat music. They will surely know it’s SHOWTIME!  All age groups enjoy the show and trust me the kids will have crazy fun helping make the magic happen. 

I am lucky to have family support to help with this production. My wife is a public school teacher doing lots of zoom meetings for work. I also have two school-age daughters that are helping with things. 

Note : I perform all my own shows, contact me soon before you’re date “disappears”!


$10 each Free Shipping in the USA!


This is great for beginners: the Magic Wand Goody Bag has lots of simple yet astonishing magic tricks that are sure to wow your audience. If your kids are new to the world of magic these cool tricks will be easy to learn. 

Kit Includes:

- Magic wand! Kids can perform rising wand trick , magnetized wand, rubber wand and more.
- Vanishing coin case 
- Card trick
- Spot card illusion.
- Each kit includes easy to understand instructions.
-Best for children 5 years and up

Magic Fred’s Easy magic Kit

Picture the look of delight on your child’s face when they receive their very own Magic Set. 


$20 each Free Shipping in the USA!


The kit was specifically designed for kids with Easy to do Magic so they can successfully entertain friends and family!

Kit Includes:

- Vanishing a ball in a vase
- Spike through coin
- Vanishing coin case
- Easy rope cut and restore
- Color vision see through the box
- Ring and spring Trick
- Obedient ball
- Plus 50 easy magic tricks you can do with easy to understand instructions
- Best for children 5 years and up